(Olympia, Washington) Today, the advocacy organization representing Washington’s eleven member-owned electric cooperatives urged the state’s leadership in D.C. to help sound the alarm about an agreement the Biden Administration has negotiated behind closed doors that could seriously jeopardize four critical dams in southeast Washington.

The Lower Snake River Dams are a vital part of rural communities across southeast Washington and help provide the affordable, reliable, and renewable power that millions of ratepayers throughout Washington and
the Northwest depend on. However, it seems the Biden Administration officials may have offered these dams for the chopping block as part of ongoing litigation with plaintiffs, states, and tribes over Columbia River System Operations.

“When you jeopardize the Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose, or Lower Granite Dams, you also threaten the future of affordable, reliable, and renewable electricity in Washington and Northwest. Ratepayers depend on reliable electricity at a fair price,” explains Paul Griffin, WRECA Executive Director. “These stakeholders deserve to know exactly what the Biden Administration has put on the table and to have their voice heard.”

Recent news has revealed only scant details about this potential farreaching agreement, which some speculate could lead to the breach of four power-producing dams known as the Lower Snake River Dams. These assets not only provide power whenever it’s needed but also produce that power with no harmful carbon emissions.

“We are calling not just on the Biden Administration to be transparent about its plans, but on Senators Murray and Cantwell to use all of their powers to demand that Washingtonians get a voice in this critical matter,” says Griffin.